Spellcasters are categorized based on the element of the magic item they possess, such as AeroMancer, ElectroMancer, PyroMancer, PhotoMancer, HydroMancer, and GeoMancer. The element that is chosen depends upon the magic item they wield. A Spellcaster can possess multiple magic items with differenct elements. For example, a ScribeCaster can possess a magical pen that has AeroCaster capabilities and a magical notebook with PyroCaster capabilities giving that ScribeCaster the ability to tap into different elemental magic.
AeroMancers are spellcasters who wield magical instruments imbued with the element of Aero, representing air and wind. By playing or using these enchanted items, they can manipulate air currents, create gusts of wind, and even harness the power of flight. For example, an AeroMancer might use a magical flute or a magical spoon to conjure gentle breezes or create a powerful whirlwind to lift their companions to safety.
ElectroMancers are gifted spellcasters who utilize magical objects infused with the element of Electro, associated with electricity and lightning. Through these objects, they can generate electrical discharges, control currents, and conjure potent lightning bolts. For instance, an ElectroMancer could wear magical shoes or pen to create dazzling displays of lightning or channel energy into a powerful electric barrier.
PyroMancers wield magical items infused with the element of Pyro, representing fire. With these items, they can ignite flames, create blazing walls of fire, and wield the destructive force of fire with mesmerizing precision. For example, a PyroMancer might use an enchanted fork or magical calculator to set ablaze enemy fortifications or create a shield of flames to defend their allies.
PhotoMancers are spellcasters who utilize magical objects imbued with the element of Photo, connected to light and illumination. With these objects, they can control light rays, create illusions, and manipulate the brilliance of their surroundings. For instance, a PhotoMancer could use an enchanted notepad or paintbrush, creating dazzling patterns to distract and disorient opponents.
HydroMancers wield magical items infused with the element of Hydro, related to water. Through these items, they can manipulate water, summon powerful water-based attacks, and even influence weather patterns to some extent. For example, a HydroMancer might use a magical drum or magical mask to create water barriers or call forth a torrential rainstorm to impede enemy forces.
GeoMancers command magical items imbued with the element of Geo, linked to earth and stone. With these items, they can shape and control the earth, create barriers, and potentially cause tremors or earthquakes. For instance, a GeoMancer could wield a magical beaker or canvas to create earthen walls for defense or manipulate the terrain to create strategic advantages during battles.